Friday, June 6, 2008

It begins!

So along with venturing into marriage, we've also decided to foray into the online blogging scene as well! We think it will be a great way to keep everyone updated and involved in what's going on with this new Sauter crew.

We've now been officially married for 12 days and are loving almost every bit of it! And even the parts that we haven't loved (food poisoning, scrubbing kitchen cabinets, and the fact that I still don't have anywhere to officially put my toothbrush ), I think we'll look back on and love nostalgically. It's pretty overwhelming trying to merge lives (especially the lives of 2 pack rats) and Cole has been SUCH a wonderful sport about sacrificing things like his beloved (but huge) sailfish and framed shag carpet interpretation of the Last Supper for the greater good of a bachelor-free home. His wife thanks him immensely. Lots of work to go though, and as soon as I familiarize myself with this website, we'll post some before and after pictures.

For now though, much love from the Sauters